Warsaw, Poland
September 6–10, 2010

To submit an abstract one needs to be preliminary registered. Abstracts should be submitted electronically on-line after log-in. Two-page camera-ready extended abstracts in English with the title, author's name and affiliation are due by February 28, 2010. The templates of abstracts are available below:

MS Office (DOC) Open Office (ODT) LaTeX (ZIP)

Please upload your extended abstract after log-in: choose tab <Papers>, <Add paper> and then use the field "Source file".

Authors will receive notification of acceptance of their proposed contribution, in the oral or poster form, after a reviewing procedure. A book of abstracts will be distributed to participants during the conference. An abstract will only be printed if the presenting author has registered for the conference.

Book of Abstracts wiil be available during the Conference. We will encourage all the authors to submit also full length papers after the conference for publication in Archives of Mechanics. After a usual reviewing procedure the accepted papers will be published in the special issue of this journal. The deadline for submitting the paper is December 31, 2010.

[Conference Main Page]